Additional guide for bulk importing rules using template

How to find Product ID and Variant ID?

The easiest way to find a Product ID is through your Shopify admin dashboard:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Go to the Products page and select the product you need.
  3. Check the browser address bar—the URL will end with …/products/product-handle. The numbers immediately after /products/ represent the product ID.

For Variant ID:

  1. Go to the Products page and select the Variant you need. You will be directed to Variant page.
  2. Check the browser address bar—the URL will end with …/products/product-handle/variants/variant-handle. The numbers immediately after /variants/ represent the variant ID.

How to find Collection ID?

  1. Go to the Collections page and select the collection you need.
  2. Check the browser address bar—the URL will end with …/collections/collection-handle. The numbers immediately after /collections/ represent the collection ID.

How to find inventory location ID?

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Go to the Settings page and select Locations tab.
  3. Select a location you need to get ID.
  4. Check the browser address bar—the URL will end with …/locations/location-handle. The numbers immediately after /locations/ represent the inventory location ID.