How to find Product ID and Variant ID?
The easiest way to find a Product ID is through your Shopify admin dashboard:
- Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
- Go to the Products page and select the product you need.
- Check the browser address bar—the URL will end with …/products/product-handle. The numbers immediately after /products/ represent the product ID.

For Variant ID:
- Go to the Products page and select the Variant you need. You will be directed to Variant page.
- Check the browser address bar—the URL will end with …/products/product-handle/variants/variant-handle. The numbers immediately after /variants/ represent the variant ID.

How to find Collection ID?
- Go to the Collections page and select the collection you need.
- Check the browser address bar—the URL will end with …/collections/collection-handle. The numbers immediately after /collections/ represent the collection ID.

How to find inventory location ID?
- Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
- Go to the Settings page and select Locations tab.
- Select a location you need to get ID.
- Check the browser address bar—the URL will end with …/locations/location-handle. The numbers immediately after /locations/ represent the inventory location ID.